Ten years ago, Cuyahoga Arts & Culture made its first grant. Since then, CAC has distributed $158 million in public dollars to 350 organizations. Those groups have offered more than 60 million cultural experiences for residents and visitors — and more than half of those were free of charge.
For the past 10 years, CAC has helped organizations and artists bring work to life that makes our community a vibrant place to live, work and visit. As you will see in the following stories, cultural experiences supported by CAC include a wide spectrum of things we call arts and culture.
None of this work would be possible without the dedicated support approved by Cuyahoga County voters in 2006. You helped to make local public funding for arts and culture a reality then, and you reaffirmed your support again in 2015. Thank you.
Your investment has made a tremendous difference in the lives of countless residents. CAC was formed at a time when the recession made it difficult for arts and culture organizations to stay afloat. The flexible funds and project support grants gave our partners the financial breathing room they needed to keep their doors open, expand their work, and take risks in their programming so they can serve even more residents and visitors.
CAC has grown since those first grants. We’ve moved from simply sustaining cultural organizations to focusing on strengthening our community through grantmaking. And, as we move into our next decade, we do so confidently, guided by community input and grounded in our values. We will strive to make it easier for groups to receive funds through CAC and to ensure everyone equitable access to arts and culture.
On behalf of the current board and staff, we thank those who came before us and made our success possible: all of our former trustees and staff; the volunteers and leaders of the Issue 18 and Issue 8 campaigns; the Cleveland Foundation and The George Gund Foundation; the groups and artists who inspire us with their work daily; and Tom Schorgl and the team at Community Partnership for Arts and Culture. But above all, we thank you. Your belief in our work, to help all residents experience a meaningful cultural life, makes it possible for CAC-supported organizations to inspire and strengthen our community.

“CAC has done more than just fund programs ... it has exposed and elevated arts programming for Cleveland’s kids.”
“CAC funding is a vote of confidence in our mission and goal of supporting artists and engaging the community we serve.”
“The operating support we receive from CAC helps us constantly seek new ways to increase our public value and explore new ideas.”
“Funding from CAC lets us have a national impact and encourages us to look closer at what makes our Museum special.”
“Thousands of people from throughout the County and beyond enjoy our concerts. CAC has helped bring our park to life.”
Access To The Arts
Achievement Centers for Children
African Soul International
America SCORES Cleveland
American Hungarian Friends of Scouting
Apollo’s Fire
Aradhana Committee
Art House
Art Song Festival
Art Therapy Studio
Artistic By Design Center
Artists Archives of the Western Reserve
Arts for All of Northeast Ohio
Arts In Strongsville
Arts Renaissance Tremont
Asian Services in Action
Baldwin Wallace University
Baseball Heritage Museum
Bay Village Community Band
Beachwood Arts Council
Beachwood Historical Society
Beck Center for the Arts
Bedford Historical Society
Beech Brook
Bellaire Puritas Development Corporation
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
Berea Arts Fest
Berea City Schools
Blue Streak Ensemble
BlueWater Chamber Orchestra
Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland
Brecksville Center for the Arts
Brecksville Theater on the Square
Brite Winter
Broadview Heights Spotlights
Broadway School of Music and the Arts
Brooklyn Heights Service Clubs
Buckeye Shaker Square Development Corporation
Building Bridges
Burten, Bell, Carr Development
Campus District, Inc.
Cantores Cleveland
Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation for Brain Health
Case Western Reserve University
Cassidy Theatre
Catholic Charities, Fatima Center
Cavani String Quartet
Cedar Fairmount Business District
Center for Arts-Inspired Learning
Cesear’s Forum
Chagrin Arts
Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
Chagrin Falls Historical Society
Chagrin Valley Little Theatre
Chagrin Valley Rec Center
ChamberFest Cleveland
Children’s Museum of Cleveland
Choral Arts Society of Cleveland
City Ballet of Cleveland
City of Bedford
City of Cleveland
City of Cleveland Heights
City of Euclid
City of Rocky River
City of Solon
City of Strongsville
CityMusic Cleveland
Clague Playhouse
Cleveland Arts Prize
Cleveland Ballet
Cleveland Blues Society
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland Chamber Collective
Cleveland Chamber Music Society
Cleveland Chamber Symphony
Cleveland Classical Guitar Society
Cleveland Comedy Festival
Cleveland Composers Guild
Cleveland Contemporary Chinese Culture Association
Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation
Cleveland Donauschwabische Blaskapelle
Cleveland Grays Armory Museum
Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center
Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society
Cleveland Inner City Ballet
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cleveland Institute of Music
Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland International Piano Competition
Cleveland Jazz Orchestra
Cleveland Jobs with Justice
Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank
Cleveland Leadership Center
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Cleveland Opera Theater
Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland Police Historical Society
Cleveland POPS Orchestra
Cleveland Print Room
Cleveland Public Art
Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland Public Theatre
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
Cleveland Restoration Society
Cleveland Rocks: Past, Present and Future
Cleveland Shakespeare Festival
Cleveland State University
Cleveland Theater Collective, Inc.
Cleveland TOPS Swingband
Cleveland Treatment Center
Cleveland UMADAOP
Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
Cleveland West Art League
Cleveland Women’s Orchestra
Collective Arts Network
Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Contemporary Youth Orchestra
Council Gardens
Coventry Village Special
Improvement District
Creative Filmmakers Association
Cudell Improvement
Cuyahoga River Restoration
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio
Dancing Wheels
Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization
DJAPO Cultural Arts Institute, Inc.
Doan Brook Watershed Partnership
Dobama Theatre
Downtown Cleveland Alliance
Dunham Tavern Museum
Earth Day Coalition
Eliza Bryant Village
Empowering Epilepsy
Encore Chamber Music
Ensemble Theatre
Euclid Beach Park Now
Euclid History Museum
Facing History and Ourselves
Fairmount Center for the Arts
Fairview Park Municipal Foundation
Famicos Foundation
Family Connections
Far West Center
Federation of India Community Association
FiveOne Experimental Orchestra
Foluke Cultural Arts Center
Foundation for New Creative Projects
Friends of Cleveland School of the Arts
Friends of East Cleveland Public Library
Front Steps Housing and Services
Golden Ciphers
Good Company: A Vocal Ensemble
Gordon Square Arts District
Great Lakes Science Center
Great Lakes Theater
Great Lakes Youth Ballet
Greater Cleveland Film Commission
Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers
Greater Cleveland Sports Commission
Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival
Green Triangle
GroundWorks DanceTheater
Harvard Community Services Center
Heights Chamber Orchestra
Heights Youth Theatre
Hispanic Business Center
Historic Gateway Neighborhood Corporation
Historic Warehouse District
Development Corporation
Historical Society of Old Brooklyn
Hospice of the Western Reserve
ICA-Art Conservation
Independent Pictures
Ingenuity Cleveland
Inlet Dance Theatre
International Communtiy Council-Worldwide Intercultural Network
International Services Center
International Women’s
Air & Space Museum
Irish American Archives Society
Jennings Center for Older Adults
Jewish Family Service Association
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Jones Road Family Development Corporation
Joyful Noise Music School
Judson Services
Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center
Kamm’s Corners Development Corporation
Karamu House
Kiddie City Child Care
Kulture Kids
Lake Erie Ink: a writing space for youth
Lake Erie Native American Council
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center
Lake View Cemetery Foundation
Lakewood Historical Society
Lakewood Public Library
LAND studio
Larchmere PorchFest
Legacy in Education
Les Délices
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Community Center of Greater Cleveland
Lexington Bell Community Center
Lit Cleveland
Little Italy Redevelopment Corporation
Local 4 Music Fund
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
Mamai Theatre Company
Mandel Jewish Community
Center of Cleveland
May Dugan Center
Mercury Theatre Company
Merrick House
MidTown Cleveland
Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Educational Foundation
Mt. Pleasant NOW Development Corporation
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
Music and Art at Trinity Cathedral
National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame
Nature Center at Shaker Lakes
Near West Theatre
Negative Space Gallery & Studio
Neighborhood Connections
New Avenues to Independence
NewBridge Cleveland Center for Arts & Technology
North Coast Men’s Chorus
North Cuyahoga Valley Corridor, Inc
North Union Farmers Market
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless
Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education
Northeast Shores
Development Corporation
Notre Dame College
OCA Cleveland
Ohio Boychoir, Inc.
Ohio City Bicycle Co-op
Ohio City
Old Brooklyn Community
Development Corporation
Olmsted Historical Society
Olmsted Performing Arts
Omega Psi Phi
One South Euclid
One World Shop
Open Doors Academy
Opera Cleveland
Orange Art Center
Passport Project
PLAN of Northeast Ohio Inc.
Playhouse Square
Playwrights Local 4181
Polish American Cultural Center
Progressive Arts Alliance
Quire Cleveland
Rainey Institute
Reaching Heights
RED an orchestra
Restore Cleveland Hope
Rid-All Foundation
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Rocky River Public Library
Roots of American Music
Sankofa Fine Art Plus
Scenarios USA
School of Cleveland Ballet
Schuhplattler und Trachtenverein Bavaria
Senior Outreach Services
Shaker Arts Council
Shaker Historical Society
Shore Cultural Centre
Singing Angels
Slavic Village Development
Society for Photographic Education
Sokol Greater Cleveland
Czech Cultural Center
Spirit of Cleveland
St. Clair Superior Development Corporation
St. Malachi Center
Stagecrafters/Orange Community Education & Recreation
StandUP! For Change
Strongsville Community Band
Strongsville Community Theatre
Suburban Symphony Orchestra
Symphony West Orchestra
Talespinner Children’s Theatre
Teaching Cleveland Foundation
The City Club of Cleveland
The Cleveland Opera
The Cleveland Orchestra
The Cleveland Seed Bank
The Cleveland Vegan Society
The Gathering Place
The Harvard Square Center
The Housing Center
The Lit: Cleveland’s
Literary Center
The McGregor Home
The Music Settlement
The Musical Theater Project
The Parma Area Fine Arts Council
The River Valley Ringers
The Roberto Ocasio Foundation
The Sculpture Center
The Singers’ Club of Cleveland
The West Shore Chorale
The Western Reserve Fire Museum and Education Center
Thea Bowman Center
Theater Ninjas
Time Canvas
Transformer Station
Tremont West Development Corporation
Tri-C JazzFest
Ukrainian Museum-Archives
Union Miles Development Corporation
University Circle Inc.
University Hospitals Health System
UpStage Players
Ursuline College
Valley Art Center
Verb Ballets
Verlezza Dance
Waterloo Arts
West Side Catholic Center
West Side Community House
Western Reserve Chorale
Western Reserve Historical Society
Westlake Chinese School
Westown Community
Development Corporation
Woodland Cemetery Foundation
Youth Challenge
Zygote Press
Revenues $14,865,631
Figures reflect audited
financials for 2016.
Total Expenses $16,235,612
Arts & Cultural Grantmaking : $15,536,366
General & Administrative : $699,246
Net Assets $20,441,991
The fiscal year 2015 data used for this report was provided by DataArts (previously known as the Cultural Data Project), a nonprofit organization that empowers the arts and cultural sector with high-quality data and resources in order to strengthen its vitality, performance, and public impact. Any interpretation of the data is that of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, not DataArts. For more information, visit www.culturaldata.org. Additional data provided by grant recipients to CAC.